Comic Book Value and Selling Guide now Online

The Comic Book Value and Selling Guide is now complete.  This instant download book walks the beginner through novice step-by-step through how to determine the current, accurate value of comic books.  The second section is dedicated to where and how to sell comic books without getting ripped off.

The book is aimed at:

  • Saving Time – it cuts through the fluff and tells the reader exactly what they need to know about description, grading and potential restoration.  It also takes them to the exact sources to get the value of a comic book without wasting time searching all over the web.
  • Save Money – the book highlights many of the scams that people in the comic book world try to pull off, what is a fair value for their comics, along with the pros and cons of each place to sell their books.  It also includes tips and tricks for selling through various mediums – from local stores, Craigslist, E-bay and more!

Again, this is aimed at the beginner to novice collector.  Advanced (long time) collectors should know this stuff (I hope!).

You can read about the book along with some reader testimonials here. 

2 Responses to “Comic Book Value and Selling Guide now Online”

  1. Stephanie says:

    I am wantin to know how much this comic is worth it a 1969 anima superman comic book thank you

  2. admin says:


    Take a quick look through the videos and the resources on Lesson 3. That should help. At a minimum you will need to have a complete title and issue number as well as condition of the comic book.

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