Jack Kirby Art – Advanced Comic Book Collecting and Investing

Jack Kirby is one of the most famous and iconic artists in the world of comic books, with art starting in the 1940’s and spanning decades.

For collectors he remains one of the most desired and collected artists.

Because of his popularity his art continues to bring top prices for investment purposes.

His work with Joe Simon in the 1940’s broke new ground in the art, and because of this team we have such cornerstones as Captain America, the Red Skull and more. In the carousel below you’ll see some often overlooked horror and science fiction by this duo.

Jack Kirby also worked at DC starting his own universe, and although it never achieved the popularity of his work at Marvel, it still remains popular for Jack Kirby collectors.


15 Responses to “Jack Kirby Art – Advanced Comic Book Collecting and Investing”

  1. Elora says:

    "Turned inside out…for all to see" The best frontman of the gee.p..rhardcore/nunk whatever you want to call it. Second best overall behind Ian Svenonious..

  2. What a joy to find someone else who thinks this way.

  3. These pieces really set a standard in the industry.

  4. It’s a pleasure to find someone who can identify the issues so clearly

  5. Deep thought! Thanks for contributing.

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  10. I think number 4 is super cool and would look good hanging above a little 'bar' table. Go for that one! I would get him a set of glasses to go with it and also compliment the multiple bottles he will get from the guys.

  11. Well put, sir, well put. I’ll certainly make note of that.

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  13. This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!

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