DC Error and Recall Comics

DC Universe: Decisions #1, All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder # 10, and Action Comics #869. Do any of these comic books mean anything to you? These are the famous error or recall comic books released in September 2008.

Curse words, alcohol consumption, skits on Conan O’Brien are all part of the hype and craziness behind this mistake from DC. DC didn’t initially recall the books, but asked retailers to destroy their copies. Of course, any self-respecting entrepreneur couldn’t do something that crazy, collectors would be willing to pay top dollar for these books on the open market and they did.

But now that a few months have passed since the initial hype how have prices on these comic books held up? I’ve included the latest E-bay sales below. Keep track of these if you are interested in dealing with these books. If you happen to come across one or more, be ready to take advantage, but be careful, the trend on moderns has typically been down.

In any event, this event has been a lot of fun to watch #$%$$!!!

Perfect 10 – CGC 10 Comic Books

Ah, perfection. It only comes once in a long time, but when they do they set some serious price records. If you are looking for CGC 10 comic books be ready to pay quite a premium. Below you’ll find the latest crop of these “perfect” comic books.

Wolverine Movie Trailer and Comics to Watch

Wolverine in on the way and here is the latest X-men Origins: Wolverine Trailer.


Don’t forget to track these key Wolverine movie comics (Wolverine 1, Wolverine Limited Series 1 and Incredible Hulk 181):