Atlas Comics History and Research Site

I was doing some research on the net about the extraordinary returns on Mystery Tales #40 when I found a great site about Atlas Comics. This site has cover pictures, Atlas history, storylines from each comic book and much more. It is quite a labor of love for the collector who put it together. Check it out here: Atlas Comics.

A little more about Mystery Tales #40. You never know when demand for a particular issue will hit, and this comic book is a perfect example. The Lost television series episode “Cabin Fever” showed the title the prices shot up over $100 instantly and became almost impossible to find. If you know anything about the Lost series, you’ll know why this comic book ties into the series when you see the cover picture below. It’s not just comic book movies that can send prices through the roof!

Mystery Tales #40 featured in Lost

12 Responses to “Atlas Comics History and Research Site”

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