Catwoman Added to Batman The Dark Knight Rises Roster

Anne Hathaway has been added to the roster of villains in the upcoming Batman Dark Knight Rises movie slated for release in July 2012.

There is still no official footage of the movie available but I will post it when I find some. Make sure to scour those back issue bins for Catwoman appearances, especially Lois Lane #70.

10 Responses to “Catwoman Added to Batman The Dark Knight Rises Roster”

  1. Yelhsa says:

    Yeah, he did say that they tried to teach him some media trainig, but as you can see on intrwviees, its all a waste of time. lol. Love his freshness

  2. Thinking like that is really impressive

  3. ddtank says:

    This does look promising. I’ll keep coming back for more.

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